Snack on a selection of our short film projects below, and get excited about your own creative mission. Our communities all have powerful stories to be told, and we know that stories have the power to change the world. Small films can have a mighty impact, and we specialise in weaving impact throughout the production process from pre to post. We ensure that the process of telling stories is inclusive, rights-based, and a transformative experience in and of itself. Then, we make sure that they have the best chance to change hearts and minds out in the world.
If you like what you see, Whakapā mai - Contact us, and let’s see if we can make some movie magic together!
Hear Me out
Mojo Mathers, Aotearoa’s first deaf MP, has one last chance to open the door for people with disabilities to fully participate in our democracy. Will her Bill make it across the line in time?
Vote Auckland
Social media campaign for Auckland Council, to encouraging rangatahi to stand as candidates and vote in the 2019 local elections.
Step Up For Tāmaki series
When we do what we love, when we step up together, Tāmaki thrives. Short rangatahi Māori civics education series focusing on climate change and community engagement. Made in collaboration with Hāpai Te Hauora, Te Ngira & Auckland Council for the Tāmaki Civics project.
#Vote For TeReo
RockEnrol social media short film campaign to encourage people to “Vote for te Reo Māori” in the 2017 General Election.
Spoken word rangatahi transport campaign. Co-designed with community for Te Ngira & Auckland Council.
MICROSITE projects
Short films are made for watching. Short films are made for sharing.
Ours are also made for action.
We have experience building engagement for short film campaigns natively through social media campaigns, and also by integrating short film storytelling into wider campaigns in the digital and in-person world. Sometimes a microsite is just the ticket to take your activated audience from scrolling and sharing to meaningful action.
Tāmaki Civics
Full development of a microsite for and by rangatahi to take action on civics projects in their community. The site featured all five short video episodes along with a selection of different actions and resources to learn about civic participation. A key initiative included sourcing rangatahi feedback on the development of Te Tāruke ā Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan.
Made in partnership with Hāpai Te Hauora - Māori Public Health,
Funded by Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau - Auckland Council. Website and film series proudly made by Activate Agency.
HearMeOut Activation Site
We constructed the activation website for Hear Me Out so our community could keep up to date on the progress of the Election Access Fund Bill, and take action to support accessible elections in Aotearoa.
The site featured information about the short film production, as well as details about Mojo Mathers’ Election Access Fund Bill.
Made by Activate Film as part of the Loading Docs film programme.